Tim Barber | The Overlap Life
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The Journey to the “Abundant Life”.

Hey again! I have to say, I’m really excited about today’s discussion, and I’ve really enjoyed all that I heard from you guys in the past couple of days. Lots of good questions, lots of God questions, that I’m looking forward to answering when my Membership Community...

Living out “the Abundant Life” of Jesus.

The journey of an eternity begins with a single step. Yesterday, we discussed the incredible opportunity that Jesus’s promise of Abundant Life has made available to all of His followers. We learned that God’s Eternal Purpose is to renew, restore, and heal all things,...

What is “the Abundant Life”, really?

Jesus promises His followers abundant life. To me, abundant life sounds like a life overflowing with goodness, “a little slice of Heaven on Earth.” And yet, if we’re honest, many of us don’t experience Jesus’s words in our everyday lives. The abundant life that Jesus...