5 LIFE-CHANGING “hidden truths” about Temples in the Bible. | The Overlap Life
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5 LIFE-CHANGING “hidden truths” about Temples in the Bible.

March 22, 2024

By Tim Barber

I’ve been studying the Temple in the Bible in-depth; I can’t wait to share this with you.

The concept of the Temple in the Bible is far more than just a physical building; it represents the overlap of heaven and earth, the desire of God to dwell among His people, and the ultimate restoration of all creation. From the beginning in the Garden of Eden to the vision of the New Jerusalem, the Temple serves as a central theme that ties the entire narrative of the Bible together.

Exploring the Overlap of Heaven and Earth

The Temple symbolizes the connection point between heaven and earth, reflecting God’s desire to be close to humanity. The journey of the Temple’s significance evolves throughout the Biblical story, from the Garden of Eden to the Church as living Temples where God’s Spirit resides.

Unpacking the Biblical Concept of the Temple

Looking deeper into the biblical passages, we discover that the Temple is a representation of God’s intention for His presence to permeate all of creation. The imagery of the Temple in the Bible is intricately linked to the original design of Eden, where God walked with Adam and Eve, and it continues to the vision of a new creation in Revelation.

The Ultimate Temple: Jesus as the New Meeting Place

The ultimate fulfillment of the Temple concept is found in Jesus Christ. He becomes the new meeting place between heaven and earth, embodying the presence of God in a tangible way. Through Jesus, God’s presence is fully accessible, and those who believe in Him become living temples where God dwells.

The Church: Living Stones and Spiritual Houses

As believers in Christ, we are called to be living stones, forming a spiritual house where God’s Spirit resides. The Church is not just a building but a community of believers who carry the presence of God into the world. Our lives become a testimony to God’s work of reconciliation and restoration.

The New Jerusalem: A Vision of Future Glory

The vision of the New Jerusalem in Revelation depicts a world where God dwells among His people, erasing the barriers between heaven and earth permanently. It is a glimpse of the ultimate restoration and union of heaven and earth, where God’s presence permeates everything.

Addressing Misconceptions About the Temple

While some interpretations suggest the rebuilding of a physical temple for future sacrifices, the New Testament emphasizes that Jesus is the true Temple, and His followers are now the dwelling place of God. The temple concept evolves to include all believers as part of God’s dwelling place, extending His reign and rule throughout the world.

Living as God’s Temples Today: Bridging Heaven and Earth

Today, as believers, we are called to live as temples of God, embodying His presence and reflecting His love to the world. There is no separation between sacred and secular; every aspect of our lives is infused with divine purpose. By living out our identity as God’s temples, we participate in His mission of renewing all things and bridging the gap between heaven and earth.

In conclusion, the Temple in the Bible represents God’s enduring desire to dwell among His people and the ultimate restoration of all creation. As living temples of God, we are called to reflect His presence and usher in His Kingdom here on earth.

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