New Year’s Resolutions are a BAD IDEA for most Christians – Here’s Why | The Overlap Life
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New Year’s Resolutions are a BAD IDEA for most Christians – Here’s Why

December 27, 2023

By Tim Barber

Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution only to have it completely forgotten by the time February rolls around? I think we all have at some point. But what if I told you that the secret to a truly transformative resolution isn’t about the calendar year at all, but about something much more profound and even eternal?

In my latest video, I dive deep into the concept of living as our future selves in Christ now and how it can revolutionize our daily lives starting today. Instead of waiting for some arbitrary date on our calendars, we can choose to align our daily lives with our eternal identity in Christ, bringing heaven down to earth and experiencing lasting transformation in the process.

The video unpacks why traditional New Year’s resolutions often fall short and how they rely solely on our own willpower and determination. But as followers of Jesus, we have something much more powerful at our disposal—the Holy Spirit. By depending on God’s empowering and energizing presence, we can make New Creation resolutions that are sustainable and impactful in the long term.

But how do we put this into practice? The video explores ten areas of our lives that we can assess and invite the Spirit to transform, including Spirituality, Mission, Marriage, Family, Relationships, Health, Mindset, Experiences, Finances, and Learning. Each of these areas offers an opportunity for us to make agreements with the Spirit and live more in line with our eternal identities in Christ.

I invite you to watch the full video. It’s filled with insights from Scripture, personal stories, and practical steps to help you make and keep New Creation resolutions. Together, let’s embark on a continuous journey of being shaped and molded into the likeness of Christ, both for our own benefit and for the transformation of the world around us.

So, where do you feel the Spirit leading you to partner with Him in becoming more like your Savior? Is it in your mission, relationships, health, or perhaps in your mindset? I would love to hear from you in the comments section below the video. Let’s encourage and inspire one another as we walk this path together.

As we enter a new year, let’s shift our focus from temporary gains to eternal impact. New Creation resolutions have the power to not only change our lives but also participate in the transformation of the world, anticipating the ultimate restoration of all things. Join me in embracing this mindset and living as the New Creation versions of ourselves that we are in Christ.

If you’re ready to live a life that reflects Christ’s nature and love, I encourage you to watch the video and allow the message to inspire and guide you in the coming weeks, months, and years. Together, let’s embrace the transformative power of New Creation resolutions and experience the abundant life that God has prepared for us.

To watch the video and embark on this journey of transformation, click here. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to live as though you are the New Creation version of yourself. Join me on this incredible adventure of becoming who we already are in Christ.

Wishing you a truly transformative New Year filled with the joy, peace, and purpose that comes from living in alignment with your eternal identity. Let’s step into the New Creation way of life together!

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